Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My Resolution - Learning to BLOG!!

Well, this is my resolution. To learn to blog. This way, I learn something and I can keep my friends and family informed with our life. I plan on having Tommy help me out with this. He has developed a passion for photography and he is quite an entertaining kiddo!! I will forwarn everyone about grammer mistakes. I want this to just be fun and I am not going to start by worrying about mistakes I may make. So, please bear with me. Now, I am going to figure out how to add a picture. LOL I am going to use a really cite picture that I took of Tommy during our holiday photo shoot. He is a cutie!!

Does anybody use this blog site? Have tips? How many pictures can I use for each post?

Wish me luck!



Candy said...

... welcome to the addictive world of blogging...

Sheri & SuZan said...

Welcome to the blog world you will become hooked.


Susie said...

Great idea, Kimberly. I have wanted to do a Blog too, but can't pay for one. Is this one free?
My son has been visiting for a week and I will miss him when he returns to California tomorrow. He fixed several things around the house that needed repair, like our rear sliding glass door (it opens now!).
I have the two quilt tops finished but not layered, quilted or edge bound yet. As soon as I do, I will call you or Amanda to come pick them up. I am not driving any longer.
Good luck Blogging. I look forward to seeing more from you.
Susie Milliner

Susie said...

In that first picture, you look beautiful. I always thought you were anyway, but I know how something like that can be a drag. You are looking good.

Kimberly said...


It is free! I hope you are feeling ok.
